Monday 8 October 2012

Blogger is better than twitter

Now it's in writing. Therefore it must be true. Take that Leila >;)

Go blogger!!!! :) xxxxx

This is Leila :) say hi, Leila!

She's a belieber. Shame on her :(

Tuesday 2 October 2012

So, I got Wattpad!

So yeah, the title says it all. I got Wattpad! Yay!

Although I haven't written anything on it yet, and don't know whether I will. I do have a work-in-progress (WIP for those of you not in on the lingo. Don't worry, I wasn't until I started obsessively, I mean, religiously reading Joy Preble's blog) but I don't think I want to post it because A: I don't have a clear ending in mind yet and B: I know I would end up neglecting it and driving everyone nuts with the cliffhangers. Assuming anyone actually wanted to read it, of course ;) I like to think that they would.

Joined a creative writing club at school. It's really fun, have it tomorrow last period. Can't wait! Not writing the mysterious WIP there though. That's at home. When I'm not revising for chemistry tests we get told about 2 days in advance. Like today. >:(

If ONLY I could summon Anne to come help me with her amazing extensive clever chemistry knowledge. But since that could only happen in my dreams (which are so strange they're actually scary. Most of the time. A week ago I had a beautiful, blissful Dreaming Anastasia dream. But The other night I had a dream about moldy, rotting severed hands. Don't ask.) I guess I'm gonna have to hunker down and actually revise.

*whispers* Which I'm meant to be doing now.. Shhh!

Blogging break's over, so TTFN, ta ta for now! (Spontaneous Tigger moment)

p.s. My Wattpad username is the same as my blogger username, "ChihuahuaCharms." If any of you guys were wondering :)