Saturday 30 June 2012

Chicks Dig Guys With Gloves

Ok, I stole the title from my friend's blog (sorry Ellie!) but they say imitation is the greatest form of flattery. And I do absolutely <3 this blog!!! It is dedicated to one of my favourite books, miraculously not Dreaming Anastasia - it's Strange Angels, by the wonderful Lili St. Crow!

I would tell you guys about the plot, but she's done such a great job already that I don't have that much that I can say. So I'll say this: Dru (don't ask her what that's short for, she may rearrange your face) travels the country with her Dad, a hunter for things that go bump in the night. She's an only child, so it's been just the two of them ever since her Mom died when she was 5. They make a great team, and go on all their missions together. Well, almost always, sometimes she would stay with her Grandmama when it was too risky. At 16 now, she feels she can handle anything the supernatural crew throw at her.

But recently her Dad's been refusing to take her along, and when he doesn't come home one night, she know's something's up. Someone, or something, has turned him into a zombie, and (poor Dru!!!) she's forced to shoot him.

Orphaned, in a new town and alone, Dru finds an unlikely friend in the Half-asian goth outcast called Graves. Graves doesn't pry at her home life, but he does buy her food and give her a place to stay. She (and the reader) can't help but like him, so when he's bitten by a werwulf, she feels she has to help( she can't leave him, he bought her a burger! And he's her only friend in this new town). It is kind of her fault, that wulf was probably sent by the same person who killed and reanimated her father. However, new wulves can be totally unpredictable, and unstoppable when they crave their first meal of raw meat...

I'll say no more, but if you think that sounds good, (and trust me, it gets way better!!!) then please please pretty please with a hunk of raw meat on top visit Ellie's blog:  (you'll find out who Christophe is there)

and you can also visit here:  an entire website dedicated to this awesome series (yes, 5 books in total) while you're there take the "how Dru are you" test - it's fun!

and lastly, Lili St. Crow's very own website:

Thanks for reading guys! I'll leave you with the same sentence I've finished all my posts with: DON'T FORGET TO READ DREAMING ANASTASIA! And Strange Angels too! xxx :D

Friday 29 June 2012

da da da da da.. CHIHUAHUA!!!

Well, someone, not mentioning names (*cough* Sophie) dared me to do a post about chihuahuas. So I am. God only knows what this will do to my page views. :) So let's get this chihuahua-themed party started...

1) it ticks me off to NO END when people spell "chihuahuas" as "chiwawas!" Seriously people! It's not THAT hard! :( Bet you wouldn't like it if all the chihuahuas kept using the spelling "peepull" for "people" now would you? (That said, if you found a dog that could write at all then spelling may not be that important to you. Unless you're an English teacher.)

2) the chihuahua is the smallest dog in the world. Some (fine, many) people say they look like rats - I disagree. To me they look like fennec foxes. Anyone else see the resemblance?

3) chihuahuas originated from Mexico. At least, that's what the most common theory is. There has been some speculation, but I won't go into that here.

4) chihuahuas were bred as companion dogs, making them the perfect pets for many households. However, due to their size people think they are good for young children, when in fact it is the opposite. Chihuahuas are more delicate than, say, a Labrador, and young children are not gentle enough, they could hurt the dog.

5) there are many myths about the chihuahua. They are not yappy, unless you keep them cooped up all day. Take them for a walk and play with them often and they'll be fine. They are also not nippy. Most people think that the chihuahua is a very snappy demon-dog. This is not the case. If a dog is snappy, it is more often than not the trainer's fault. It's small dog syndrome. Because of their tiny size, the owner does not think it is necessary to, for example, not allow the chi to jump, when if he had a german shepherd he would discipline it, for it could knock someone over. This is sub-consciously saying to the chihuahua "go ahead. Do whatever you want. You're the pack leader." Most owners don't even realise they're doing this. Listen to Cesar Millan, people! That guy is amazing. A miracle worker, even.

I don't personally myself have a chihuahua. Oh, but I'm working on it. >:) I have done loads of research though. Anyone have a chihuahua? You do? I'm insanely jealous!!! Please post me a pic or tell me about him/her! I'd also love any chi owning tips or anecdotes anyone has to give! Thanks guys!

And don't forget to read Joy Prebles's Dreaming Anastasia, Haunted and Anastasia Forever when it comes out August 7th! Pretty please? ;)

Tuesday 26 June 2012

double chocolate cupcakes :)

Well, we've had a post about crafting, and we've had a post about reading, so therefore it's time for a post about... BAKING!

Which I haven't been doing that much of recently, but I do have a recipe (of my invention) for you guys:


you will need:

a bowl
a 12-hole muffin pan
12 cupcake cases
a sieve
an electric mixer (or failing that, a wooden spoon.)
2 table spoons
a scale


100g self-raising flour
100g caster sugar
100g butter
2 eggs
3 tbsp cocoa powder (which will make them REALLY chocolatey. If you don't like stuff that rich, just use 2)
50g white chocolate chips (failing that milk or dark chocolate chips)
a few tbsp milk, if necessary


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius, 360 degrees Fahrenheit. Cream the butter and the sugar using the electric mixer or the wooden spoon, then add the eggs, one at a time. Sift in the flour and the cocoa powder. When all has been combined, stir in the chocolate chips. You're looking for a stiff dropping consistency. (for those who don't know, this means if you take a spoonful of mixture and hit the spoon against the side of your bowl, the mixture should drop off fairly easily.) If the mixture is too thick (which it probably will be, if you added all three tablespoons of cocoa powder) add milk, a table spoon at a time, until the desired consistency is achieved. Using 2 table spoons divide the mixture evenly between the cake cases, then bake for 15-20 minutes. Check the cakes are cooked by inserting a toothpick into the center of one of the biggest cakes. If it comes out clean or with a few dry crumbs, they are ready.

What me and my best friend did when we made these was crumbled 2 cupcakes into a bowl with vanilla ice cream... soooooo gooooood!!!!! We ate that while watching "Grave Encounters" which is a really good horror movie. (Anyone seen it? Don't you just love Matt??? :D)

Ok guys, until next time and don't forget to read Dreaming Anastasia, Haunted and Anastasia Forever by Joy Preble! :)

p.s. next post will be about... I dunno. Comment if you have a preference! :P see ya!

Sunday 24 June 2012


Hey guys! It's the moment we've all been waiting for!!! (well, me anyway. and Holly!) An interview with the one and only... JOY PREBLE, author of DREAMING ANASTASIA, HAUNTED, ANASTASIA FOREVER and soon to be released THE SWEET DEAD LIFE:

1) Have you always had a love of writing?

Yes. I was writing stories and poems and even plays when I was six or seven years old. In 2nd grade I wrote a Thanksgiving play (not a holiday over in England, I know!) and begged my teacher to let me perform with my friends. It was a terrible play. All the Pilgrims had the names of my friends. So there were Pilgrims named Julie and Amy, which are not exactly 1600's names. But Mrs. Bernsohn let me do it. And I've been writing ever since.

2) What inspired you to write about the Romanovs?

I have been fascinated by the tragedy of the Romanov assassination and by Anastasia's story since about 7th grade. And every few years, there'd be some other historical or fictional account -- even that cartoon movie in the 90's-- that would pique my interest again. The day I created the character of Anne (her voice came to me first), she basically popped into my imagination with this same interest. And then I decided there needed to be a hot, mysterious guy. After that, the idea that he would tell her that she was somehow linked to this Russian mystery just flowed. And the rest is history. 

3) Are your characters based on real people, and if so, who?

Like most writers, my characters are based on characteristics of many, many people. But no one in the series is an exact match for someone specific. Cause, you know, that's a good way to get sued! Or lose your friends. No sense telling your bestie that she was the basis for the crazy mermaid or the evil villain.  That said, I did name Lily the rusalka after my Aunt Lily who has passed away but who had a lot of tragedy in her life. 

4) What originally interested you in Russian folklore?

My maternal grandmother was from Russia. So I was always interested at least a little bit in the stories she told. But mostly I think it came as a side effect of my Romanov fascination. And once I started reading extensively as I was writing the DREAMING ANASTASIA series, I kept finding all these great metaphors in the Russian fairy tales. No one who goes into Baba Yaga's forest returns the same as they entered. The forest is a vehicle for change, for transformation. And for the most part, the tales all end, "And they lived as happily as they could." I LOVE this. It's so un-Disney. And so much more the way of real life.   

5) Was Dreaming Anastasia always intended to be a trilogy?

In my head, yes. And in the original proposal. But Sourcebooks acquired the series one book at a time. Mostly because when DREAMING was acquired, Sourcebooks had not even started their YA imprint yet. It was still developing. So it's been a twisty road. But unlike the Russian fairy tales, it's had a wonderfully happy ending!

6) Which Dreaming Anastasia character is most like you and why?

I always say that there are pieces of me in many characters. The part of me that wanders on wrong paths some time and appreciates 2nd chances-- well that's Ethan, and Anne, too to some extent. She resists her destiny for a long time in this series. But I actually think I'm closes to Tess -- funny and loyal and using humor to deflect in scary situations. Mostly, readers love Tess. But when they don't, I always think, well, I bet you won't like me much, either!  Tess is probably closest to my heart. But I never envisioned her as a main character. Unfortunately, she's better as the side kick.

7) Which character is your favourite and why?
See above. :)  And thank you for spelling favorite with a u!  

8) If you could be any Dreaming Anastasia character, who would you pick and why?

See above. :)   Although I have a soft spot for Baba Yaga.... But the whole eating people thing-- well, that's kind of a turn off, wouldn't you say?

9) You have an upcoming book, The Sweet Dead Life, scheduled to be released May 2013, anything you can tell us about that?

Oh how I love this book! It's coming out from Soho Press in May 14th and I can hardly wait! Basically, 14 year old Jenna is having the worst 8th grade year yet. Her mom won't get out of bed. Her dad's been gone since she was 9. Her 16 year old brother Casey tries to hold the family together by working two jobs-- difficult since he's stoned all the time. Even worse, Jenna is sick. And when Casey races her to the hospital one day in their hunk of junk Prius, well, let's just say that when the car crashes, no one is the same after that. Especially Casey. Who returns as what Jenna refers to as an A-word (not that she knows this right away) to help Jenna solve the family mystery, including who the heck has been poisoning her! TSDL takes place in Texas and it's funny and bittersweet and the most fun I've ever had writing.

10) Anything else you'd like to say?

Read ANASTASIA FOREVER when it comes out on August 7th. Hannah can tell you how good it is! 

Yes I can! That book is, in a word, legendary! (that's a quote from book 1, btw!) It truly is the best book I've ever read, equal only to it's "older sisters". And that's coming from me, I read quite a lot. Read it. Do it. Here's the book trailer:

Everyone like!!! And comment! Please? *puppy dog face* You can also find the trailers for the two earlier books on YouTube. :)

And because it's just too painful to wait until August 7th to find out what happens to Anne, Ethan, Viktor and the rest of the gang, the first three chapters are here:

Check it out! But be warned, you will be left wanting more! Until next time!

Wednesday 20 June 2012


Today (as you may have guessed) I'm posting about my favourite book! Dreaming Anastasia, by the amazingly talented Joy Preble, is about Anastasia Romanov, a 16 year old girl called Anne, a century old super-hot teenager by the name of Ethan (I <3 him! :D) and a Russian witch called Baba Yaga.

Shall I elaborate? (yeah, thought so) Here's the book blurb:

Anastasia Romanov
The daughter of the last Tsar of Russia
is believed to be dead by the world, but she is alive,
and when she sleeps, she dreams...

Anne Michaelson
Doesn't know much about Russian history; she's
more worried about getting into a good college.
But then the dreams start...

In her dreams Anne is somewhere else. She is someone else. The dreams seem as real as her waking life, and they terrify her. Then a stranger offers to explain to explain them - a boy who by all appearances is her age. He claims he has been waiting for someone who can help save Anastasia. And through him, Anne sees: you don't need to be imprisoned to be trapped.

I don't want to give much away, so I'll just say a teensy bit. Strange things keep happening to Anne, at first it was just the dreams, always the same, always in a hut in the forest. Always about a girl with light brown hair, blue eyes and a straight nose. Anne can feel her sorrow and loneliness, so vivid that it stays with her all day. Also always about an old woman, with iron teeth, detachable hands and skulls twinkling in her pupils.

But now it's even more. Her hand glowing blue. The painting she saw that moved. The old woman from her dreams, materialising on the streets of Chicago that only she could see. And of course, the boy. The one she first saw at the ballet with her bff Tess. The one who mysteriously turned up at school. The one she's convinced is stalking her.

The one who's offering the answers, if she'll only go with him so he can explain...

That's all I'm gonna say, but if you like the sound of that, then you can read the sample for free here:

Also Haunted, book 2 of the Dreaming Anastasia trilogy  is out now, and here's the best part:


I'm on the street team, so I'm basically helping Ms. Preble (along with the other street team members, a.k.a minions) to spread the word and publicize the book! Help us by telling you friends! Go on! I'll give you free cake! (anyone get the Portal reference there?) Joy was awesome enough to give me an advance reading copy of book 3 for my street team efforts, so I have read it and I assure you, IT IS WICKED!!! (anyone who's read Dreaming Anastasia already will get that Tess quote)

Here's a link to Joy Preble's blog:

There you can see the book trailers for all three amazing novels, and hear all her random news! What more could a crazed fan want?

Until next time guys! Are YOU on the street team too? Have you read the book? Are you going to now? Leave a comment!

P.S. Next post will be an interview with Joy!!! Are you as excited as I am?!?! Stay tuned, my loyal minions. Watch this space...

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Hey guys! :) I wanted to tell you about one of my favourite hobbies today - polymer clay!!! I love making charms and miniatures out of Fimo, Premo and Sculpey (mostly. I do use a few other brands, but rarely.) Mostly, I like making food charms and miniatures, as well as signature stuff from books/films (like Hunger Games Mockingjay), and chibis! Especially book character chibis (which combines two of my fave hobbies!)

I get a lot of inspiration from YouTube, there is a whole community of truly amazingly talented people there, all of whom are very willing to share ideas and answer questions, which is awesome! Unfortunately I can't list you all here (because if I did that list would spread from here to Tahiti) but here are my top 7, along with a link to their YouTube channel:

Please check them out! I’ll post some pics of my creations in a future post, but for now that’s all! Stay tuned for my next post, all about my favourite book :D

Monday 18 June 2012

Hi everyone! I'm Hannah, and this is my first post! (both exciting and scary) I thought I'd start with 10 random (and not-so-random) facts about me:

1) I am completely, utterly, totally OBSESSED with CHIHUAHUAS! (ask anyone)
2) My favourite hobbies are (as you may have guessed) reading, crafting (in particular polymer clay, origami and amigurumi) and baking!
3) My lucky number is 8
4) I'm bilingual (Spanish and English) and half Mexican
5) I have two guinea pigs and a fish
6) I live in the UK
7) I have a crazy laugh that sounds like a hyena
8) My favourite book is Dreaming Anastasia, by Joy Preble (more to come on that later...)
9) My favourite movie is 50 First Dates
10) I'm not very good at this so bear with me!!! :(

So there's me, and this is my blog about (you guessed it) reading, crafting and baking! :) I'll be posting about my favourite books (I like paranormal, fantasy and romance, so if you do too then check them out! I might even be able to wangle you guys a few guest posts from the authors!) stuff I've made (there might not be much at first, I'm too busy lately to do that much crafty stuff) and awesome recipes for cakes and cookies that I've found or invented.

 Leave me a comment! :D