Wednesday 20 June 2012


Today (as you may have guessed) I'm posting about my favourite book! Dreaming Anastasia, by the amazingly talented Joy Preble, is about Anastasia Romanov, a 16 year old girl called Anne, a century old super-hot teenager by the name of Ethan (I <3 him! :D) and a Russian witch called Baba Yaga.

Shall I elaborate? (yeah, thought so) Here's the book blurb:

Anastasia Romanov
The daughter of the last Tsar of Russia
is believed to be dead by the world, but she is alive,
and when she sleeps, she dreams...

Anne Michaelson
Doesn't know much about Russian history; she's
more worried about getting into a good college.
But then the dreams start...

In her dreams Anne is somewhere else. She is someone else. The dreams seem as real as her waking life, and they terrify her. Then a stranger offers to explain to explain them - a boy who by all appearances is her age. He claims he has been waiting for someone who can help save Anastasia. And through him, Anne sees: you don't need to be imprisoned to be trapped.

I don't want to give much away, so I'll just say a teensy bit. Strange things keep happening to Anne, at first it was just the dreams, always the same, always in a hut in the forest. Always about a girl with light brown hair, blue eyes and a straight nose. Anne can feel her sorrow and loneliness, so vivid that it stays with her all day. Also always about an old woman, with iron teeth, detachable hands and skulls twinkling in her pupils.

But now it's even more. Her hand glowing blue. The painting she saw that moved. The old woman from her dreams, materialising on the streets of Chicago that only she could see. And of course, the boy. The one she first saw at the ballet with her bff Tess. The one who mysteriously turned up at school. The one she's convinced is stalking her.

The one who's offering the answers, if she'll only go with him so he can explain...

That's all I'm gonna say, but if you like the sound of that, then you can read the sample for free here:

Also Haunted, book 2 of the Dreaming Anastasia trilogy  is out now, and here's the best part:


I'm on the street team, so I'm basically helping Ms. Preble (along with the other street team members, a.k.a minions) to spread the word and publicize the book! Help us by telling you friends! Go on! I'll give you free cake! (anyone get the Portal reference there?) Joy was awesome enough to give me an advance reading copy of book 3 for my street team efforts, so I have read it and I assure you, IT IS WICKED!!! (anyone who's read Dreaming Anastasia already will get that Tess quote)

Here's a link to Joy Preble's blog:

There you can see the book trailers for all three amazing novels, and hear all her random news! What more could a crazed fan want?

Until next time guys! Are YOU on the street team too? Have you read the book? Are you going to now? Leave a comment!

P.S. Next post will be an interview with Joy!!! Are you as excited as I am?!?! Stay tuned, my loyal minions. Watch this space...

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