Tuesday 19 June 2012

Hey guys! :) I wanted to tell you about one of my favourite hobbies today - polymer clay!!! I love making charms and miniatures out of Fimo, Premo and Sculpey (mostly. I do use a few other brands, but rarely.) Mostly, I like making food charms and miniatures, as well as signature stuff from books/films (like Hunger Games Mockingjay), and chibis! Especially book character chibis (which combines two of my fave hobbies!)

I get a lot of inspiration from YouTube, there is a whole community of truly amazingly talented people there, all of whom are very willing to share ideas and answer questions, which is awesome! Unfortunately I can't list you all here (because if I did that list would spread from here to Tahiti) but here are my top 7, along with a link to their YouTube channel:
GentlemanBunny, http://www.youtube.com/user/gentlemanbunny?feature=results_main
FunkyPinkGal, http://www.youtube.com/user/funkypinkgal?feature=results_main
MaxterMooch, http://www.youtube.com/user/maxtermooch?feature=results_main
jellyfishcharms, http://www.youtube.com/user/jellyfishcharms?feature=results_main
PaperPastels, http://www.youtube.com/user/paperpastels?feature=results_main
xoxRufus, http://www.youtube.com/user/xoxrufus?feature=results_main
CuteTanpopo,  http://www.youtube.com/user/cutetanpopo?feature=results_main

Please check them out! I’ll post some pics of my creations in a future post, but for now that’s all! Stay tuned for my next post, all about my favourite book :D


  1. hello! cutetanpopo here! thank you so much! im really glad you like my videos! sorry for the super late reply im getting to the messages i received while i was in japan!
